Myofunctional Therapy
The muscles of the face and mouth are extremely important to perform tasks such as eating, speaking, and breathing. They also play an essential role in our growth and development. When muscles of the mouth and face are not working properly, it can cause problems such as sleep disordered breathing, poor jaw growth, dental malocclusions, and orthodontic relapse. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) targets strength and coordination of the face and mouth muscles to help you chew, swallow, posture, speak, and breathe well. OMT is intended for adults and children over the age of 4. Younger than 4 years old and experiencing OMD symptoms? We are happy to provide a feeding/myo approach, which is more age appropriate!
Potential signs of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD):
Tongue thrust swallow pattern
Low Forward Tongue posture
Lips resting apart
Mouth breathing
Oral Habits such as thumb sucking
Clenching or Grinding Teeth
TMJ disfunction (including popping or clicking)
Distorted speech such as a lisp
Dental Malocclusions such as open bite or overjet
Long facial growth
Orthodontic relapse
Tethered Oral Tissues
Messy or Picky Eating
Excessive Drooling
Poor Sleep
OMDs affect all ages and can have a different impact on an individual’s quality of life based on the severity of the disorder and time left untreated. Treatment of OMDs involves a collaborative approach. I am happy to work closely with ENTs, Orthodontists, Dentists, Oral Surgeons and other professionals as needed to provide you and/or your child with the best treatment plan and outcomes.
We work with children, teens and adults to help eliminate thumb/finger-sucking, pacifier use, nail biting, lip licking, and other oral habits in a fun and empowering way. Oral habits occur for varying reasons. Any underlying concerns will be assessed during your initial evaluation.